Required to Prepare: Microwave
280 calories per package
The flavor is a bit different than I had expected based on the name; the sauce is very rich, almost with a tomato-beef-stock flavor (although I don't think there is actually any tomatoes or beef in it). The spice was noticeable but not overwhelming, which is to be expected for a mainstream product such as this. The ginger, which I expected to be the top note in a light and crisp Thai-style flavor, instead becomes the base note in a deep and rich sauce. Naturally the noodles are quite a bit softer than "al-dente," being in essence a canned pasta product, but I have to say I don't mind soft pasta in this context--I think it all comes together nicely, expecially with the water-chestnuts for a crispy textural aside.
I notice, though, that on the Hormel Compleats web page, this product is not listed anymore. I think that's kind of a shame, as I rather liked it. I don't imagine I could have singlehandedly "saved" the flavor from extinction, but if I had eaten it sooner, I might have at least been able to buy a couple more before they went away.
Now, it seems the only thing I can do is give it a posthumous happy-face. :)